Rosie Battista  //  Sleeping Naked After 40

About Rosie Battista

Self Love Mentor, Confidence Creator

Rosie Battista of Sleeping Naked After 40

"I am not interested in why you can’t. I believe that you can. I believe that anything is possible, no matter what your age or stage." ~ rosie battista Rosie entered her first body building competition at age 50, transforming her physical body and embarking on a spiritual path that has changed her life. Losing 38 pounds in 16 weeks and gaining back her confidence was the beginning. It was at this age and from this stage that she discovered the secret to an amazing life. The results of her transformation and her new way of living and being are shared on her website and in her beautiful books and products and merchandise. Rosie went from unconsciously responding to things outside of herself and living as a victim.

She went from resent, fear, anger, hating on her 2 ex-husbands to really loving the beautiful men they are. She went from not speaking to her sisters for 16 years to becoming their biggest cheerleader and confidant She went from stuffing down her feelings with fake calorie-restrictive food to salivating over the yummi-ness of pure and naked food. Eating for the right reasons and feeling her way through life. She is passionate about sharing what her discoveries and teaching with you. Rosie believes that anything is possible if you believe it is. She believes that you can change anything if you change the way you think. And when you change the way you think, you change the way you eat and treat yourself.

She supports clients in styling their food and thoughts to create the life that supports the best version of themselves. No matter what your age, your stage or what happened in the past, you can feel differently and you can live in the body and life of your dreams. Sleeping Naked After 40 is a LIFESTYLE... it's a new way of living and being in the world. Rosie teaches the principles of this lifestyle she created with passion and love. Her energy is contagious and the lifestyle is infectious.

Top Products/Services Provided

I help woman feel better about themselves. Lose weight. Gain confidence. Feel, think and look better. It is my passion and purpose to help clients discover the amazing gorgeous women that they are by reminding them of their divinity. The practices of excellence in nutrition, extreme self love and extraordinary care, are the building blocks for creating the best version of yourself.

Top Target Market/Audience

The Sleeping Naked After 40 woman is between 40 and 65 and just feeling the pinch of wanting to wake up and discover who she really is. She has been caught up in caring for others, working, family relationships and forgot who she was and what she really wants for her one very precious self. She's feeling disconnected, fat, frumpy, old, wanting to feel again.

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